Mentor Trees - Data Visualization

Submission for IEEE VISAP 2022


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Submission for IEEE VISAP 2022.

Topics: Storytelling, Gender Equity,Gender in Academia.

I am responsible for the tree visualization :)

  • Frontend: P5JS

  • Backend: ExpressJS, Docker

From by Houjiang Liu.

If you use NPM, you can

git clone this repo -> npm install -> npm start -> Listening to PORT 5000

Else if you use Docker, you can

Go to Dockerfile -> use FROM node:16-alpine instead of the linux one -> build the docker image docker build . -t mentor-tree -> run the image inside a container called “mentor-tree” docker run -p 5000:5000 --name mentor-tree mentor-tree -> stop running docker stop mentor-tree

  • Objectives:

    1. Map children_num to weight for each researcher.
    2. Apply new gender_color.
  • File: preprocessor.js

  • Steps

    1. Use a recursive function to traverse all the researchers. When traversing a researcher ->
      1. Assign him/she/unknown a new gender_color.
      2. Add his/her/unknown’s research_area to a SET.
      3. Store the researcher_name and his/her/unknown’s children_num to a MAP.
  1. Calculate the weight of each researcher

    sum = sum up all children_num in the MAP
    max = maximum children number in the MAP
    min = minimum children number in the MAP
    range_mean = (max - min) / 2

  2. Oversampling / Undersampling

    If we plot each researcher using their original weight without doing oversampling / undersampling.

    The proportion of the tree will be extremely imbalanced and weird.

    To avoid this situation, we need to perform oversampling / undersampling on each researcher’s children_num.

    weight = w
    children_num = cn
    range_mean = rm
    i = random researcher i

    |- Original Weight
    	w_i = cn_i / sum
    |- New Weight
    	w_i = [cn_i - |cn_i - rm| * 0.1] / sum , (cn_i > rm)
              cn_i / sum 			 , (cn_i = rm)
              [cn_i + |cn_i - rm| * 0.1] / sum , (cn_i < rm) 

  • Objectives: Just plot the tree in p5

  • File: tree.js

  • Steps

    1. Use the HSB color system to assign each research_area a unique hue value.

    2. Use a recursive function to traverse all the researchers, when traversing a researcher ->

      1. Draw his/her/unknown research_area (just a dot)

      2. Draw the leaf using the following equation (easy peasy)

      3. If it’s a her -> tilt right, him -> tilt left, unknow -> none tilt


Jiabao Li, Houjiang Liu, Alec McGail, Di Wu, Ying Ding